Add a New Transformer (Server)
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For Server-side configuration, all the information is fetched from the server.
To add a new Transformer in Tag Manager, perform the following steps:
In the left navigation panel, select Transformers.
Select Add Transformer -> For Server on the top-right corner of the screen.
Enter the Function Name in the Function Name field in the Info section.
Note: The Function name must always start with an alphabet, and can only contain letters, numbers and underscores.
Enter the Description in the Description field.
Click Add Arguments in the Function Arguments section.
Enter the Argument name and select the Data Element in the Value section.
Select the check boxes for Mandatory and URL Encode, if necessary.
To delete the Argument, click the Delete icon on the right-hand corner of the screen.
To access the Argument, enter the code in the Code section. You can also test the function using the Test Function tab on the right-hand corner of the screen.
Click Save to save the Transformer details.