Tags Screen
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Last updated
This section describes the Tags screen UI elements.
Filter the tags based on the following types:
Filter By Name: Filters the tag based on the Tag name.
Filter By AttributeValue: Filters the tags based on the static value of the resource parameters of the tag attributes.
Filter By MetadataAttribute: Filters the tag based on the Metadata Attribute that is the resource type or provider configured for tag.
The All Provider Types specify the following provider type formats:
All Provider Types - This refers to all the different formats of providers that can be used.
Image Tags - Tracking mechanisms using 1x1 pixel images to send data when loaded.
JS Tags - JavaScript-based tracking codes that collect and send data dynamically.
The Tag Status defines whether a tag is currently active (Enabled) or inactive (Disabled).
Enabled: The tag is active and available for use.
Includes the following statuses:
Production – The tag is live and actively used.
Staging – The tag is being tested before deployment.
Pending Publish – The tag is created or updated and waiting for approval.
Delete – The tag is marked for deletion but is still visible under Enabled.
Disabled: The tag is inactive and hidden from active use. Instead of deleting a tag when it is not needed, you can disable it and re-enable it later if required.
When to use:
If a tag is not needed temporarily, disable it instead of deleting it.
Note: A disabled tag can be re-enabled when needed.
Steps to Change Tag Status:
Go to the Tags section.
Select the tag you want to modify.
Choose one of the following:
Enable the tag if you want to use it.
Disable the tag if you don’t need it at the moment.
Save the changes
The Filter By Providers option filters the tags based on the providers.
Click Filter by Providers.
The Choose Providers panel opens on the right.
Select a provider from the list or use the search bar to find one.
Click Done.
Step Result: All the tags associated with the Provider Name appear on the screen.
The Filter by Qualification Criteria option allows you to filter tags based on a predefined qualification criteria list.
Click on Filter by Qualification Criteria.
The Choose Qualification Criteria dialog box appears on the right side of the screen.
Select the applicable qualification criteria from the list.
Alternatively, enter the name of the criteria in the Filter by Name field to search for a specific criterion.
Click Done to apply the filter.
The Filter by Data Elements option allows you to filter tags based on predefined Data Elements.
Click on Filter by Data Elements.
The Choose Data Elements dialog box appears.
Select one of the following options:
Default Data Elements
User-Defined Data Elements
(Optional) Enter the name of the Data Element in the Filter by Name field to search for a specific element.
Click Done to apply the filter.
Step Result: All the tags associated with the Data Elements appear on the screen.
The Reset Filters option resets the applied filter settings.
The following are the additional fields that appear on the Tags screen.
Denotes the Tag Name.
Denotes whether the tag is a server-side or a browser-side setting.
Denotes the tag status: • Production: Displays the tags in the production stage. • Staging: Displays the tags in the Staging process. • Pending Publish: Displays the tags yet to be published. • Published: Displays the published tags. • Deleted: Displays the deleted tags.
Denotes the Provider name and the format. • IMG: Denotes the Provider in the Image format. • JS: Denotes the Provider in the Java Script format.
Validity Period
Denotes the validity period of the tag configured while creating the tag.
Updated By
Specifies the user who updated the tag.
The Ellipsis on the last column denotes whether to delete the tag or clone the tag. To delete a tag there must not be any dependencies. Note: You cannot delete a tag if there are any dependencies in the tag for Data Elements, Providers, Triggers, or Qualification Criteria. Only after deleting the dependent categories, you can delete the tag successfully. Even after deleting the dependencies, if you cannot delete the tag, then you must Publish the relevant categories first and then perform the delete operation. The Clone option allows you to clone the tags based on the selection of the already available providers. You can view the same settings for a particular provider and edit the required details and additional information for the new tag.