Add a New Project
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Add a New Project is the first step in the entire Tag Management process soon after you launch the Ingest Labs application.
To add a new Project, perform the following steps:
Step 1: On the dashboard, in the Easily access your products section, locate Tag Manager, and then click Launch.
Step 2: On the Project screen, in the top-right corner, click Add Project.
Step 3: On the New Project screen, in the Name field, enter an appropriate name.
Step 4: In the Description field, enter a relevant description.
Note: The Name and Description fields are mandatory. If not provided, an error message This value is required. appears below the respective fields.
Step 5: Under Project Type, select an option based on your project:
Website: Select this option if the project is website-based.
Mobile App: Select this option if the project is a mobile application.
Step 6: If you select Website, the Demand-Side Platform (DSP) section appears.
Note: By default, Website is selected.
Step 6.1: Check the Enable DSP integration checkbox.
Step 6.2: In the Select Provider drop-down, select the appropriate provider.
Note: DSP integration is enabled only if required by the client.
Step 7: If you select Mobile App, the Select Mobile App Platform section appears.
Step 7.1: In the Platform drop-down, select the appropriate platform:
Native – Select this option if the app is developed using native programming languages such as Swift (for iOS) or Kotlin/Java (for Android).
React Native – Select this option if the app is built using React Native, a cross-platform framework that allows you to develop apps for both iOS and Android using JavaScript and React.
Ionic – Select this option if the app is built using Ionic, a framework that enables the development of hybrid mobile applications using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Step 8: Click Create Project.
This creates the project successfully and adds it to the project list.