Add a New Qualification Criteria (Server)
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For Server-side configuration, all the information is fetched from the server.
To add a new Qualification Criteria in Tag Manager, perform the following steps:
From the left navigation panel, select Qualification Criteria.
Select Add Qualification Criteria -> For Server on the top-right corner of the screen.
Enter the name of the Qualification Criteria in the Name field in the Info section.
Select the Data Element from the Data Element section.
For each Data Element, the following Criteria is to be met.
Include these values
The list of values entered are included in the Qualification Criteria. You can select the following check boxes: • Case Sensitive: This option indicates if the value entered is Case sensitive to further trigger the tag. • Exact Match: This option indicates if the value matches exactly to trigger the tag.
Exclude these values
The list of values entered are excluded from the Qualification Criteria. You can select the following check boxes: • Case Sensitive: This option indicates if the value entered is Case sensitive to further trigger the tag. • Exact Match: This option indicates if the value exactly matches to trigger the tag.
Click Save on the top right to save the Qualification Criteria details.