window._mp.safeExecute('evAddShippingInfo', function() {
eedl('mp_add_shipping_info', {
currency: '<INR or actual currency>', // mandatory
cart_id: '123', // mandatory
value: 123.33, // float value of order
shipping_tier: '<optional>', // e.g. Ground, Air, Next-day
shipping: 123.33, // total shipping value in float
coupon: '<optional coupon>', // Leave this undefined if there is no coupon
items: [/* Refer to Products Array page in reference below */],
ev_source: 'gtm'
If the event occurs in a iframe window, you need to fire the event using the below script.{
event_name: 'mp_add_shipping_info',
event_payload: {
currency: '<INR or actual currency>', // mandatory
cart_id: '123', // mandatory
value: 123.33, // float value of order
coupon: '<optional coupon>', // Leave this undefined if there is no coupon
items: [/* Refer to Products Array page in reference below */],
ev_source: '<Orign of the event>' // Example: Razorpay, Gokwik, etc.
PARENT_URL is the url of the website.