Publish the Tag to Production
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In Ingest Labs, before publishing a tag in the Production environment, the tag must be published in the Staging environment.
To publish a tag from the Staging to the Production environment, perform the following steps:
Select Publish from the left navigation panel.
Click the Production tab to view all the tags in the Production environment.
Click Publish to Production.
Step Result: The list of Tags, Providers, Transformers, and Triggers appears on the screen.
Select the list items that are to be published to production and click Review.
In the Publish Project to Production screen, review the tags, providers, triggers, and transformers that are ready for production.
Click Publish to Production on the top-right of the screen.
Click the refresh icon on the top right to change the status from Publish to Staging->Queued->Finished->Published.
Step Result: The relevant tags are published to Production. The tag will be successfully moved from the Staging environment to the Production environment.