When user initiates checkout, fire the below event.
Event Name
Event Payload
event: {
currency: 'INR', /* Currency of website */
cart_id: '123', // mandatory
value: 123.33, // float value of the item being viewed
coupon: '<optional coupon>', // Leave this undefined if there is no coupon
items: [/* Refer to Products Array page in reference below */],
ev_source: '<Orign of the event>' // Example: Razorpay, Gokwik, etc.
customer_info: {
pid: '<unique identifier representing user>',
email: '<email address of user>',
phone: '<phone number of user - no country code>',
country: '<country code only>',
city: '<city>',
state: '<state>',
fName: '<first name of user>',
lName: '<last name of user>',
zip: '<zip code>',