Add a New Provider (Browser)
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Last updated
All the information required for Client-side or Browser-side configuration is fetched from the webpage or browser.
To add a new Provider in Tag Manager, perform the following steps:
From the left navigation panel, select Providers.
Select Add Provider -> For Browser on the top-right corner of the screen.
Select a Provider Template.
To add a custom image provider, select Custom Image Provider from the Provider Template box.
You can also select other JS provider templates. Let us take an example of the Facebook JS provider template.
Enter the Provider Details such as Provider Name and Description in the New Provider screen.
The Script section includes both the Template script and Provider script.
You can enter the JavaScript in the Provider Script section and click Save to save the changes.
The Attributes section lists the Attributes for Data Elements and Transformers. This is an Optional section.
Select Choose Data Element for Data Element attributes.
Select either User-Defined Data Element or Default Data Element.
Step Result: The selected Data Element is visible in the Value section.
Select Choose Transformer to Transformer Attributes.
Step Result: The selected Transformer is visible in the Value section.
Click cancel on the top right of the page to cancel the settings and view the the list of providers.
Click Save on the top right to save the new Provider (Browser).
Note: The page displays the following success message.