Data Governance
Data Governance ensures companies follow legal regulations when triggering tags in Tag Manager. Data Governance serves as a controller or approver for these guidelines, which may include government policies like CCPA and GDPR. For example, when a website detects a visitor from a state with privacy laws, it displays a consent banner. This banner informs the user that their information will be tracked after obtaining their consent for further data tracking purposes.
The banner providers are called Consent Managers, with One Trust being a prominent example. Ingest Labs utilizes the consent obtained from these banners to determine whether to trigger media tags. The Privacy Compliance Data element, pr_comp, returns True or False when Ingest Labs executes the provided JavaScript in the Custom JavaScript section. With Ingest Labs, you can seamlessly integrate with any Consent Manager available, as long as it can read consent from the website browser using JavaScript.
The default pr_comp value is set to true. This means that a user’s activities are tracked by default.
Even if a user denies data tracking consent, Ingest Labs has some providers in the ‘allowed’ state, that will still always be allowed. The other providers, however, in the ‘blocked’ state are blocked when a user denies consent.
A client can choose to block or allow providers at any time. Ingest Labs marks such changed providers as 'modified' until the client publishes them manually. After publishing, the provider is successfully modified.
Note: The Data element pr_comp returns True if the user accepts data tracking.
Related Topics
The Data Governance section includes the following topics:
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