Providers Screen
Last updated
Last updated
This section describes the Providers screen UI elements.
You can filter the Providers based on the following types:
Filter By Name: Filters the providers based on the Provider name.
Filter By AttributeValue: Filters the Providers based on Attribute Value.
Filter By MetadataAttribute: Filters the Providers based on Metadata Attribute.
The following are the additional fields that appear on the Providers screen.
Denotes the Provider Name.
Denotes whether the Provider is a server-side or a browser-side setting.
Denotes the status of the Provider. • Production: The Provider is in Production status. • Staging: The Provider is in Staging status. • Pending Publish: The Provider is yet to be Published.
Denotes the type of the Provider. For example, IMG, JS, and so on.
Created By
Denotes the user who created the Provider.
Updated By
Denotes the user who updated the Provider.
Updated On
Denotes when the Provider is last updated.
Add Tag
You can create the tag using this option from the Providers.
The All Provider Types drop-down menu displays the following provider types:
All Provider Types
Image Tags
JS Tags
The Filter By Data Elements option filters the Data Elements based on the Data Element selected.
The Reset Filters option resets the applied filters.