Configuration of Tags
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You can add a tag using any of the following options:
Browser: For the conventional method of tagging using the browser.
Server: For backward compatibility and support to create new tags on the server.
In Ingest Labs, you can create media tags for client-side and server-side seamlessly and quickly using the following steps. For browser-side tagging creation, the conventional method of tagging is applicable.
The following elements are mandatory to add a new tag:
The Provider acts as a template to define the attributes on a high-level, before configuring the tag. You can select any of the available provider templates, set the attributes, save the provider template, and configure the tag. Note: If the default provider templates are unavailable, you can create a custom-defined template using the Providers option on the left navigation panel.
The Data elements refer to the data points that are sent to the Provider to populate the values while configuring the tag.
The Triggers indicate when a particular tag is to be triggered based on the data inputs. The triggers are associated with different actions and events while performing the tasks under tags.
The Qualification criteria refer to the rules and conditions required to trigger a tag for a particular scenario. You must set the rules when the tags are to be triggered for different scenarios and send the data to the data endpoints.