Add a New Pipeline
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To add a new Pipeline, follow these steps:
Note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Step 1: In the left navigation panel, click Pipelines.
Step 2: Select Add New Pipeline located at the top-right corner of the screen.
Step 3: Click the Name field to add the appropriate name.
Step 4: Click the Description field to add the appropriate description.
Step 5: Under Pipeline Type, click the dropdown. There are two options:
Data Source
Select the appropriate option.
Step 5.1: Data Source
Click Data Source.
When you click Select Data Source, a panel will open on the right side. Click the search bar to search for the Data Source or select one from the list. You can also create a new Data Source by clicking Create Data Source. Select the appropriate option.
Step 5.2: Segment
Click Segment.
When you click Select Segment, a panel will open on the right side. Click the search bar to search for the Segment or select one from the list. You can also create a new Segment by clicking Create Segment. Select the appropriate option.
Step 6: Click Save to save the Pipeline details.